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26607 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-10-14
Final date2024-10-15
Days in captivity1
SpeciesEASO - Eastern screech owl
Fracture - femur, left
Ocular - chorioretinitis, OS
Ocular - keratitis, OD

Cause of injury: HBC suspect

Finder present at release

Found in Burnsville,NC
Yancey county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate112.6012.60
Total  432.60

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images

2024-10-15 13:51 MS

Due to significant eye damage plus a fracture that requires surgery, opting to euthanize.
0.5 cc Pentobarb IC under 5% ISO

2024-10-15 10:50 me
Leftovers: 5
Food: 13g m c/u (size B)
SQ fluids: 8 mL
Buprenorphine: 0.07 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.04 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Check eyes: OU
5 g LO
Fecal collected

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-10-15
Examiner - me
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
opacity on cornea distorts view into eye; Lack of pattern on retina
Left eye:
widespread moderate black peppering/speckling on retina

2024-10-14 17:37 cd

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Quarantined due to shared space with 26599, wear full PPE

2024-10-14 16:59 RMB

Food: 12g m c/u (size B) (+ vit + Ca)
SQ fluids: 8 mL

BAR, very fiesty

2024-10-14 13:34 cd
Weight: 133 grams, Keel score: 2.5
Found on 10/8. Finder is from W NC, could not find help, drove to us.

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: QAR
Mouth: clean
Ears: clean
Vent: clumps of mutes on feathers, vent itself is clear, mutes in box
Body condition score: 2.5, 3
Left wing: wnl full ext
Right wing: wnl full ext
Left femur: midshaft fx, old green bruising, mobile, closed
Right leg: wnl full ext

Bird presents QAR, standing in box, eyes squinted. Palpated L femur fx, closed and mobile, dk green/teal bruising. Anaesthetized for better palpation and rads (4% induction, 2% maint). Midshaft, very mobile but unable to align. Got very brief rads. Consulted ME & SC. Decided to set up for now and attempt surgery w Dr Tracey this week.
Oxygen in rads was not flowing so bird started waking before bringing back to exam room. Hard time recovering from 4% ane induction after rads. Very shallow and infrequent breaths, very weak nictitating membrane response. HR relatively slow but steady. Took about 1-2 minutes but breathing resumed normally, slow recovery afterward but no other incidents. Finished tx and set up in KR2 - provided donut but stood, standing normally with R and bearing some weight and gripping towel with L.

8cc lrs sq
0.01 torb IM (given half dose due to ISO recovery concern)

Have ME eval eyes. If considered potentially releasable, plan for surgery w Dr Tracey. Start meloxi tomorrow to give some time to rehydrate.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-10-14
Examiner - cd
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
No major damage seen. Small cloudy spot on cornea cranially, looked like abrasion but did not pick up stain.
Left eye:
Messy area caudally, detachment or otherwise; pale/bright. Long tear stretching upward cranially.

Version 4.0.2 - 4.0.7 Tue Oct 15 20:21:41 2024